Update Letter

Ben, where are you living nowadays?

I live in Ann Arbor (Michigan)–and have been here for a year now.

Hey, didn’t you live there before?

Yeah, I lived here during college a while back–and then felt conflicted about returning. I even left my previous company after they asked our whole office in Detroit to move to Ann Arbor. But then I ended up here anyway!

Chatting with my friend Harsh on the University Diag

So what’s this discipleship/church thing that you’re doing?

I’m a part of Antioch Church in Ann Arbor, and I’m going through their discipleship school this year. It’s nine months long, and there are 12 of us students.

Why are you in the school?

I’m here to grow–and especially to grow alongside the other students and leaders who are all A+ individuals. We’ve been doing some of this:

Some of us students engaging in a character building exercise

Hmm, that sounds good. Real good. Anything I can do to help?

Yes, my love languages are quality time and physical touch, so I’d be happy to receive either of those from you.

In addition, I need to raise funds to join our class on a mission trip to Scotland. I’ve got to eventually raise $2700 for this, and a large chunk of it is due by December 5. If you are able, would you consider contributing $10, $50, or $100?

Although most of us students also have full-time jobs, we’re only utilizing funds that have been raised specifically for this trip. This has been a hard notion for me to grasp in the past, as I’ve had other employed friends asking for support for other missions activities. But we’re learning how to trust God to meet needs, as well as how to include and be supported by friends and family.

How would I donate?

You can fill this form out and select ADS Mission Trip Ben N in the dropdown.

Please also consider covering the 3% processing fee as it is not administrative but a service charge. This is also tax deductible. If you’d instead like an envelope to pay via check or cash, just email me.

How could I be praying for you?